International Observatory on Information and Democracy (OID): A Major New Report on the State News Media, AI and Data Governance
Das Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft und das Observatorium des Forums für Information und Demokratie veranstalten gemeinsam die Vorstellung des OID-Berichts und den Digitalen Salon zum Thema „ Informationsökosysteme und gefährdete Demokratie“: Eine globale Synthese des Wissensstandes über Nachrichtenmedien, KI und Data Governance. Die Veranstaltung findet vor Ort und in englischer Sprache statt.
International Observatory on Information and Democracy (OID):
A Major New Report on the State News Media, AI and Data Governance
Multistakeholder Dialogue
29 January 2025 | 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society
Französische Str. 9, 10117 Berlin
As part of the Forum on Information and Democracy’s Global Dissemination month, the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) is opening its doors for a special multi-stakeholder event. This gathering will bring together academics, activists, and policymakers for an exclusive showcase of the OID’s latest findings. The OID’s results will be presented by Professor Jeanette Hofmann and Professor Robin Mansel, followed by a “Digitaler Salon” in the evening to publicly discuss key issues of information flows and the changing discourse climate, and the action necessary in different sectors.
After more than a year of work and a review of more than 3000 sources, the OID is launching its first meta-analysis. The report is set to provide a global understanding of the current structure of the information and communication space and its impact on public debate and democracy around the world. It explores the topics of mis- and disinformation in three key areas: media, politics, and trust; artificial intelligence and information ecosystems; and data governance and democracy.
2.30 – 2.35 pm __Welcome by Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann
2.35 – 2.45 pm __Introduction by Iris Boyer
2.45 – 3.15 pm __Presentation of the report: “Information Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy:
__A Global Synthesis of the State of Knowledge on News Media,
__AI and Data Governance”__Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann & Prof. Dr. Robin E. Mansell
3.15 – 4.00 pm __Q&A session
All participants are warmly invited to join the subsequent panel-discussion Digitaler Salon: Gesprächsklimawandel at 7.00 pm (please note that this will be held in German).
If you would like to participate in the event, please register using the form below until 28 January 2025. Please note that spaces are limited and you will receive a separate confirmation of attendance shortly after your registration, if there is still capacity.
About the project
The International Observatory on Information and Democracy is the missing part of an international architecture meant to solve the current information chaos. With research-based assessments of the information and communication space, the OID aims to foster a shared understanding of those areas to face the complexity of modern democracies’ challenges. By evaluating corporate impact and generating tailored reports on the above spaces, the OID strives to close the gap between knowledge and policymakers, with the ultimate goal of providing a democratic barometer of information landscapes.
Die Veranstaltung ist ausgebucht.
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